Picture this…
It’s a Monday morning, your clinic is full (with a couple of extra emergency patients who called in over the weekend), you had a relaxing weekend and you’re ready to take on another busy week. You arrive at the practice, get changed and head into your surgery. There’s a problem. The dental unit has a red error light flashing and can you get it to work? Certainly not!
Typical. First patient arrives in 20 minutes. Call manufacturer for trouble shooting guidance, they don’t start until 9am, when you finally get through there are no technicians available to take a look at it until 3pm this afternoon.
What do you do?
- Check colleagues diaries in the practice to check for breaks in their day? No availability – even during lunchtime wouldn’t be enough time to scratch the surface…so to speak.
- Ask receptionist to start calling patients and rescheduling appointments? Probably the most likely scenario – resulting in disgruntled patients (particularly those in pain), disgruntled receptionist (who’s morning has suddenly been taken up making phone calls dealing with said patients) and of course, the loss of a days income. Not ideal.
- Time to give the back-up unit a whirl! Yes, it’s an inconvenience having to get a technician out to fix the unit, but, at least there is a back-up mobile dental unit at hand which can be wheeled in from the store cupboard and set up in a flash. Patient’s won’t know any different!
Introducing Mobile Dental Units from BPR Swiss!
BPR Swiss offers a range of stand-alone dental units which can be moved quickly and easily from room-to-room.
The Combi-Cart Clinic combines a three-way syringe, 3 treatment instruments and 2 suction devices, including compressor and suction machine in a single cart! Aside from treating your patients in the dental surgery, it offers the flexibility to treat them in hospitals, retirement homes or other institutions. You can easily moved the Combi-Cart clinic from one room to the next. No installation is needed, just plug in and play!
The elegant Master-VAC is the first fully stand-alone suction cart with which the functionality surpasses even fixed units! The ceramic cuspidor, which is mounted on a movable arm, can be positioned under the patients mouth. This makes rinsing the mouth easy for ALL patients, regardless of fitness, age or body size. This fully mobile unit, allows for ultimate flexibility moving room to room if required.
For more information on the Combi-Cart Clinic, Master-VAC or any other mobile dental unit from BPR Swiss click here. BPR Swiss also offers a range of portable dental equipment which can be viewed here.
Alternatively contact J&S Davis on 01438 747344 or email jsdsales@js-davis.co.uk.
Keep up-to-date with BPR Swiss UK & Ireland on social media – Facebook and Instagram.