J&S Davis is committed to ensuring we stock a wide range of dental products, equipment and supplies to suit the myriad of dental applications, treatments and surgeries.
As the world gets smaller, products and services become accessible at the click of a mouse – J&S Davis ensures dentistry can move with the times and facilitate the increasing demand for mobility.
Dentistry on demand
Technological innovations have always been at the forefront of medical, scientific breakthroughs, and the twenty-first century is no different. Much like making an appointment to see a bank manager, the days of being tied to one place at one time to see a dentist are a thing of the past.
Virtual dentist appointments cannot replace or deputise when oral treatment is required. Still, in much the same way as video conferencing technology has enabled people to work from home more effectively, so the same principles can be harnessed to free up chair time in clinics and enhance practice services for patients.
However, the reality of mobile dentistry is so much more than just virtual.
Today’s dental professional will be well aware of the numerous physical and mental barriers that explain why a patient may not be able to attend a clinic:
- Dental anxiety
- Compromised physical mobility
- Housebound
- Lack of money
- People of no fixed abode
- Travel distance
Additionally, people who are incarcerated, in the armed forces or residential care homes, for example, may benefit from a physically mobile service, free from the confines of a dental practice.
Modern innovations have meant that many standard dental services can now be made mobile, e.g. scale and polish, screenings, extractions, fillings, x-rays, preventative and aesthetic treatments.
Community Dental Services are one example of a social enterprise that operates an NHS only referral service for those people who cannot access the treatment and advice they need. Similar organisations and charities exist to provide a selfless service using mobile dental units. Increasingly, private sector organisations such as care homes and construction companies commission mobile dentistry as part of their duty of care to staff and clients.
Dental practices made perfect
Being mobile does not necessarily equate to a complete replication of your dental surgery made portable. However, a smart audit of your services could highlight key opportunities to take oral health and preventative care to those who need it the most yet struggle to access it.
- Rural population centres
- University campuses
- Residential and respite centres for people with special needs
- Domiciliary and residential care service providers
- Areas of socio-economic deprivation
- Children’s homes and young offender centres
Creating a mobile element for some of your core services may well be a valuable investment for your community, your reputation and your bottom line. It could lead to increased referrals, follow-up appointments and treatments, and act as a vehicle for improved oral health messaging and advice for the wider populace.
J&S Davis for dynamic dental solutions
Offering your patients the very best in dental treatments that are timely and cost-effective with tangible results is a matter of professional pride.
To view the range of Domiciliary & Mobile Dental Equipment offered by J&S Davis, please click here.
Whether your practice is staying put or looking to maximise mobility, J&S Davis has a wide range of solutions to suit your needs. You can explore all our products by clicking this link. Then, if you’re ready to place an order, you can find your nearest retailer here.